

假设学生希望获得传统的字母成绩,除非在注册时选择其他选项(见下文). 传统的字母等级是:A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C-, D+, D-, F

学生未能完成所有课程要求,并未能在规定的截止日期前正式退课,成绩为F. 有关提款政策和程序的完整声明,请参阅提款/提款政策.

Final grade reports are not sent to students at the end of the semester. 学生可以通过以下网站访问成绩报告,包括成绩单的正式副本 MyBLUE.

Audit Grading

审核评分不会导致适用于学习计划的学分累积. 任何经过审核的课程都不能被授予学分,除非该课程在传统评分选项下作为重新注册的课程重复.

Auditing is generally limited to one course per semester, but is not specifically limited to a cumulative total. Auditing may be opted without regard for the student's classification. 学生必须符合以下条件才能旁听课程.

  1. 审计评分选项必须在学期第一周(秋季和春季)或第一天(夏季)上课结束前在注册办公室申报。.
  2. Full tuition will be charged for an AUDITED Class.
  3. 在学期的第一周(秋季和春季)或第一堂课结束后(夏季),审计评分选项不能更改。.

Credit/No Credit

学生每学期可以选择一门课程(夏季课程被认为是一个学期),他们选择根据学分或不学分进行评分. A student must declare the grading option by the midpoint of the course. 学分/无学分仅指由注册主任记录的课程最终成绩. 课程内容和课程考试不会有任何变化. When a student completes the course, they will receive a letter grade. 如果该成绩至少为“C”,学生将获得该课程的学分. 如果字母成绩为“C-”或更低,学生将不会获得该课程的学分. In either case, the student's GPA will not be affected. 学生可以选择这个评分选项,但有以下限制:

  1. 学生必须满足所选课程入学所需的所有先决条件.
  2. CR/NC评分选项不能指定为专业必修课程, comprehensive major, minor, or endorsement area of study.
  3. The student may choose only one course per semester, unless it is an established function of the course, to be taken on a credit/no credit basis.
  4. A maximum of 24 credit hours may be taken on a credit/no credit basis.
  5. 希望申报CR/NC课程的学生必须在课程的中间点之前申报.
    1. Graduate Students: At the graduate level, 学分/无学分评分必须是课程的一个功能,而不是学生的选择.



“I”(不完整)的标记保留给由于超出其控制的非常特殊的情况而无法在学期结束前完成课程的学生.g., serious illness, etc). Under these circumstances, the instructor should be notified as soon as possible, during the semester. In such cases, 在学期结束时,老师可能会给学生一个“I”(不完整),而不是一个最终成绩. The "I" is recorded on the student's grade report and transcript.

Unless an extension of time is granted, by the Registrar's Office, 不完整的必须在学期结束后的十二个日历月内删除,其中“I”被记录为完成了导师制定的课程要求. 如果课程作业没有完成,并且在获得成绩后的十二个日历月内没有向注册办公室提交成绩变更, or an extension has not been granted by the Registrar's office, the "I" will convert to a grade of "F" on the student's transcript. Some courses are eligible to be repeated, 在这种情况下,“F”将被标记为学生成绩单上的重修课程.

Public Posting of Grades by Instructors

Instructors who wish to post grades in a public area (outside their office, on the classroom door, 或在咨询领域)必须意识到家庭教育权利对这种做法的限制 & Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. 不得以任何方式公布学生的成绩,以使学生的身份暴露. For example, social security numbers cannot be used to post grades. 如果教师希望在公共场所张贴成绩,他们应该分配只有学生知道的代码或替代识别号码. Any questions regarding the FERPA regulations can be directed to the Registrar's Office.

Repeated Courses

In order to improve a competency level and/or grade point average, 学生可以注册并重复他/她以前在bet36365体育完成的课程. 最近取得的成绩必须作为该课程的正式成绩, even when that grade is lower than the previous grade in the same course. “NC”(无学分)的等级不能用来代替以前获得的字母等级.


Courses designed to be repeated, where additional hours may be earned, are not eligible for the re-registration option. 这些课程包括但不限于独立学习、实习和实习. 指定了副标题的课程,只有在学生以相同的副标题注册课程时,才能考虑重新注册.

在大学其他校区的同等课程中获得的成绩, UNO, UNMC) may be used to replace a grade earned at bet36365体育. 只有那些被学术部门确定为大学等效课程并列在联合国等效指南中的课程才可以根据本政策考虑. No other substitutions will be allowed. 内布拉斯加州大学系统以外的课程不能用来代替在bet36365体育获得的成绩.